Do Not Seek Love or Approval

Do Not Seek Love or Approval

There is a moment—one moment—that may tell you everything you need to know. Everything you’ve ever wondered about can be answered in that moment. It can be one of the most joyous moments of your life, or one of the most painful. I recently experienced such a moment, and it told me everything I needed to know. Questions I had been asking for decades were finally answered: Am I important to them? Do they love me as much as I love them? The answer I received was deeply painful and left me in a state of numbness. My body feels limp, deflated, and weak from this realization. It will take days of mindful self-care to recover.

A state of pause can lead to great transformation. Deep breath in... all will be okay.

Isn’t it better to know the truth? I would rather live in honesty, anyway. Deep breath in... all will be okay.

Stop seeking love, and simply let it come to you. Love should not be hunted; it should be a gift, freely given, that you share with those you love.

I’ve spent much of my life wondering if I matter to “them,” or if “they” love me as much as I love them. But I am becoming more aware that those I never ask these questions of, in the privacy of my mind, are the ones who truly love me. Who are those people, to you? Cherish them, they are your tribe.

Do not seek love or approval. It’s difficult, but as the years go by, this truth becomes more important to accept and practice. Do all things with love, to the best of your human ability, and—with honor and gratitude—release that which no longer serves you in becoming the best version of yourself. And the best version of yourself does not need to wonder if you “matter” to them.

Continue to love, even when it’s not reciprocated. Utilize healthy boundaries, as your health and well-being matter. Your mind, body, and spirit are your top priorities. A world where we all strive to be the best versions of ourselves is a world worth encouraging.

Repeat after me, out loud or in your head: “I am love, I am loved,” “I am abundant, I am abundance,” “I release that which no longer serves me in being the best version of myself,” “Thank you, I love you.”


All my best, always. Deep breath in... we got this.

With big love, KK

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