Relax, Release & Realign

What do I need to do?
Please dress comfortably and bring a mat and anything else that will aid in your comfort for the approximate 50-minute duration. Eye coverings, blankets and bolsters available as well.

What is Reiki & Sound Bath?
Join me for a deeply immersive and meditative sound experience. Sound baths can be an incredible way to ease stress. Each person will lie on a mat or blanket, with a head pillow, and eye covering to relax while listening to the soothing sounds of crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, chimes, bells, rattles, rain sticks, African harp, & other overtone solfeggia emitting instruments.

Sound Therapy is effective in not only achieving a state of relaxation but it also has a way of moving through [energy] blockages in the body. Sound Therapy has been known to help treat such conditions as stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, depression, sleep disorders, pain and autism.
-The Benefits of Sound Therapy, Wellwood Health

The sounds introduced are an “invitation into a deeper state of consciousness, an opportunity to unplug from external stimuli and to gain perspective on what’s going on within you,”... “The goal of the experience is to invite deep rest and relaxation, and explore self-inquiry and self-discovery.”
-Prevention Magazine
*Location: Leela Yoga 7215 Highland Rd. Baton Rouge, La. 70808