Are lightworkers evil?!

Are lightworkers evil?!

What's the quickest way to prevent people from reaching their higher consciousness? Tell them that what they're doing is evil, wrong, or worse yet, "of the anti-Christ."
I have seen an increasing smear campaign against lightworkers and what we do, lumping REIKI into categories like Ouija boards, magic, or worse yet, dark forces. Clearly, they do not understand Reiki!💫
This is complete nonsense.
As a certified practicing Usui Reiki Master/Teacher, I am speaking on this subject in particular.
If you are aware of what Reiki is, then you know it involves working with the purest, highest, love, God, source energy. It absolutely cannot be used for anything other than that. It is actually built into the attunement. If someone is truly trained and attuned to Reiki, they are attuned to the highest source/love/God energy.
We (Reiki Masters) are moderators, conduits if you will, with an ability to remove that which is not source energy, that which muddies and clogs us from accessing our higher selves. We are all of God's creation; we are all an extension of Source/Love/God energy. All of us.🫶
Reiki, simply put, brings us back home when we feel we've wandered too far and can no longer see beyond the shadows. It helps us to see, hear, and experience Source/Love/God energy more clearly. Reiki washes away the negative energetic buildup of gunk that collects and causes ill health, which is unavoidable while living this human experience. This is how we (Reiki Masters) help people. This is how this energy work is utilized.
Simply put, Reiki is love in its purest form. And there is nothing more pure, more beautiful, or more Godly than that.
There are many cultures and practices that use this vital, healing, love, life force energy, called by various names like "chi" or "prana," which is purely made of source, God, love energy. Reiki taps into this life force energy and utilizes it for health and well-being.
Through ascended masters such as Jesus, Sanat Kumara, Buddha, Maitreya, Confucius, Lord Lanto, Mary, Lady Master Nada, Enoch, and Kwan Yin, we are all connected to this highest love frequency. These are the beings we humans aspire to be, the most beautiful representations of Source/Love/God energy here on Earth.
Most tragically, through greed and the need for control and power, these divine masters' names have been used for the manipulation of the masses. That is human doing, not divine.
You are an embodiment of God, love, source energy, just as a child shares the DNA of those who created them. We are the bright glittery specks born of our Source/Love/God energy. And we all carry this within us! No person carries more or less. And nothing is more unifying than that! Some may be more attuned to it through practice, but we all equally have it within us, and it is there when we choose to access it.
So, if someone claims that "they" are the "chosen one," they are misleading you. They may have simply tapped into what we all can access! Or, they're just deceitful.
Use discernment, my friends, and hear, see, and experience the immense beauty that surrounds you. That is your reminder of Source/Love/God energy.
If a message is coming from fear, hate, or ego... it is NOT coming from God/Source/LOVE energy. ‼️Let me say that again, if a message is coming from fear, hate, or ego... it is NOT coming from God/Source/LOVE energy.
Use discernment, listen to your intuition, and continue on the path of love. That is what we are literally created to do!
Continue your good work for humanity, Earth, animals, and the cosmos. That is where God lives. That is LOVE.
All my very best, always.
With big love,
Repeat after me:🦋
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