A bit about Me, KK!

A bit about Me, KK!

Hello Sweet Friends,

I am so glad you're here! My hopes and dreams are to share with you Reiki Infused products and healing to aid in the BIG, BEAUTIFUL LIFE WE ALL DESERVE. Ask for it, demand it! It is why we are here. While we all struggle with the "why's" of life there is one certainty... LOVE. Love is the only truth, un-jaded and true. Share all that you can as the world needs YOUR love.

A Louisiana native, lover of nature & animals, specifically my giant sweet-n-sassy kitty, Brucie. I've earned a BFA & MA (LSU), worked as an art, artifact and antique chandelier restorer. Museums, management, events and film industry worker bee. Artist and art teacher and generally a jack of all trades, master of some. If I have an interest in it, I must learn and experience more. Why not get the most out of this life, right?!!

It is my pleasure having you here and serving you in the very best ways I can. I genuinely wish you ALL THE VERY BEST this life we share has to offer.

With BIG love & gratitude,


Reiki Master/Teacher. Intuitive Empath. Channel Medium. Sounder. Akashic Reader. Artist. Art Teacher.



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